Brian doesn't want to be friends with me anymore because he "doesn't like what I'm doing to my family. Or marcy. They did nothing wrong." he doesn't know anything about anything going on in my family and if he does, he heard it from my sister who thinks she owns the house and if she's not getting everything her way then life sucks and it's all my fault. I don't tell him anything about my family because I know he won't really listen. And marcy, I don't want to be friends with her anymore and shes too stupid to just let it go, but I guess his four year friendship with marcy is way more important than our 16 year friendship but I guess time has nothing to do with it. I've always been such a horrible friend to him and marcys always been the best, rarely inviting him to hang out and then just sitting around with dre the whole time anyways of just never contacting brian at all and making plans with him but never actually telling him. But there must be more and better things than that that I just don't know about. She's a much better person and friend than I'll ever be. So now I'm down at least two friends. I say at least because I never know about katie. The girl who asks me to hang out every few months and then something else comes up but she spends all her time with other people. I guess I was a horrible friend to her too. I guess I'm no fun to hang out with. And then there's joe and god knows what's going on with that. We barely ever talk anymore and it's not just his fault. I don't contact him because I don't like the conversations we always end up having an plus he doesn't like talking to me during this week every month. I can't help but feel like I'm wasting my time, but I don't know what time because I don't want to date anyone else. Just like that I'm wasting my time hoping I guess and just getting hurt anyways. whatever. I'll be gone soon.
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