May 28, 2007 14:04
Is it possible to blame my current lack of essay writing on a psychological avoidance of finishing my degree because as soon as its finished I will have to take responsibility for decisions about my life again? For the last three days i've blamed a nasty bout of cold/flu/virus type thing that has filled my sinuses and chest up with gunk and made me feel nauseated pretty constantly. But now that's faded to a gunky nose and cough I no longer have that excuse. So i've been playing internet flash games, staring at the wall and thinking about what I'll pack for holiday. Because I am going on holiday on sunday, my first proper grownup one-half-of-a-couple holiday. There are three kinds of grownup holiday (that is, holiday's without your parents).
one) organised group holidays that are kind of adult supervised. Youth group trips, large group camping etc. I count this as hlaf-way grown up because I used to go on these holidays as a kid and teenager doing what an exasperated, hardworking youthworker (possibly unrecognised angel) told me to, but then started gathering a group of friends who also went along as teenagers to go on our own and it felt immensely grown up. But was still essentially a few tents in a field where your dad could still come rescue you if needs be.
the others will have to wait becuae I'm going to be good (honest) and go write my last ever uni essay.