Title: Under Pressure (written for the lj community
kh_drabble" back in May of 2009
Challenge: 187, strength
Word Count: 232
It did not rain, the day their world ended. It was all clear blue skies and warm sunshine. They should have reacted faster, they should have noticed the sudden, strange darkness of the shadows as a threat.
It is not sunny in the place they wake up. This new, not home-but it might be for a while. In fact, the sun never seems to rise here.
The airship pilot that saved them is off in the corner, staring angrily at the sky and muttering hateful things under his breath. He refused to be healed, preferring to deal with the crusted blood in his would be blond hair by himself.
Yuffie is curled against herself on the staircase leading up to more unknown. Her tiny shoulders are quivering and she; the great ninja, doesn’t even try to hide her tears. “What do we do now?” her voice is barely a whimper, a reminder of how young they all are in the eyes of reality.
Aerith is silent as she winds more bandages around the younger girl’s arm. There’s foreign black soot smeared across her face from those strange, terrible creatures.
For his part, he tries to stay calm. Tries to push down the strangling fear that this is it, it’s just them against the void. No more, no more, and he can feel something inside him shift away from Squall Leonhart into someone else with thicker skin.
“We survive.”