Jan 12, 2009 01:20
I have picked up the followin’ items for my amusement our new project:
Aluminum Foil - For Chacha’s flight hat.
Toilet Paper - Ya never know.
Gasoline & Matches - Like there was ever a question.
Diet Coke - It sounds yummy.
A pump - In case we find a blow up raft.
Helium - In case we find some balloons.
Fireworks - ‘Cause Red likes the sparkles and it will be more epic.
1 Scuba Tank - Red’s pretty small.
Duct tape - Lots and lots of duct tape.
Chicken wire - Because it sounds like fun.
Hot glue - For fun and fond memories.
Rope - Will probably need it.
Golden Thread & needles - To see if Red will revert back ta newborn mentality.
Cardboard boxes & Paint - To distract Red.
Scissors - I’m plannin’ on runnin' with them.
An Axe - ‘Cause those are fun.
Saw - Where there’s an axe there should be a saw.
1 bolt of canvas - I’m sure we can use it somewhere.
A staple gun - Yes please.
And no Red, I ain’t callin’ our group “Team Sparkliez”.
gin's master plan,
pwned by a six-year-old,
gin is a bad influence,
gin teases everyone,
gin picks on everyone,
papa gin-san,
jet packs,
watanuki's paranoia