May 14, 2006 00:22
Well tonight was also a good night. This weekend is turning out pretty damn good. Umm..lets see I spet the morning at home, cleaning, swimming..the usual saturday morning stuff. Then I ordered Pizza with the fam. and saw scott..that was fun. I don't see that kid anymore, but I'm sure it will be the same with me, and my younger friends when I go off to UCF..i mean college. Yeah speaking of, I've got my heart set on UCF, so if I don't get in, I think I will just cry for forever, and then go to USF, and try to transfer over sophmore year. The latter half of the day..or night I saw Posideon with Rachel. It was a pretty good movie. She Moral of the story:
1) Don't name your boat after a greek god, they will only get pissed and destroy it with their greek godness..Like a boat named thor would probably be sunk by a lightning bolt. You catch the drift.
2)If you're fat, don't expect to won't fit into the vents.
3)Never Panic!
..and lastly
4)When in doubt flood the fucker!
Another upside..only a week and umm..2 days of school, then 2 days of exams. WOHOO! I can't wait for this summer. It will be soo tight. Umm..i stil don't know what I'm doing for my mom for mothers day..and that is tomorrow. GAH!
Maybe I'll get started on Connor's essay, and my ALG. Review packets. It really suxx not having a math teacher cuz the sub doesn't show us anything...and umm..i don't feel like teaching it to myself, so i will just fail this
I think I'm gonna go write and sing now. BYEE!!