Mar 27, 2006 21:06
So bored with life. And yeah I have come to the sad realization of something... here it goes.
Contrary to what everyone I talked to believes about the irish situaton..there was nothing that serious, and a boy was not the only reason for the inftuation with that beautiful place. The air, the water, the rock..the grass..the lifestyle..amd yess even the fact that there are double the sheep than there are people..the hospitality. Just everything. But here goes a shot tid bit that kinda explains a lot.
A boy..a simple old boy right? Think again think a boy about the age of 19..about 6 feet 3 the name of Paul. Now add the Irish accent..and the setting taking place in Dunboyne Ireland. This one boy has single handedly ruined all boys for me. I mean he was sheer perfection. Dark hair..light eyes, nice, easy going, could hold a conversation, was tall, beautiful, and not to mentionand amazing kisser..yes I had to add that in there. He was the embodyment of perfection if there ever was one, and it seems as if I can't find anyone to compare. I turn people away due to that fact. Everyone here is missing something. The hieght but only one thing on the mind. The eyes but no personality, the overal look, but nothing under that shimmering hair. So why am i miserable..because this boy showed me what the "one" should really be like. And honestly..there has been no one to come close. I would probably trade every "emo kid" "grunge junkie" and"hxc" boy to re-live those 3 short days. So when I look at couples and kinda shrug and go "they don't look like they'll last" this is what validates it. No boy regardless of how good looking, smart, or funnie will ever have the total package much like this one.
Any guy that leads you away from his friends dragging you by the hand as you speed walk to get away from the crowd, only to have him sit you down and go "tell me about you" and actually be interested in something. A boy that would sit there and stare at the stars while sharing my ipod. Takes off his sweat shirt and stands there in a wife beater, and then when returning to the big group after 45 min. completely lets everyone know that nothing happened. And that I was just to "bang on" to have any suspicion raised about what might have happened when we strayed off for an hour. Only to end your final night in town by keeping you out way past curfew just to spend a few more moments talking about crazy things, and stealing kisses, to walk you all the way tou you temp home. And hold you close for 10 minutes. Only to say good bye repeatedly. Asking if i would come back. It sounds like something from a movie. And that's what it was..picture perfect. After leaving with promises to stay in touch(which are quickly broken by distance among other things) i stumble into the house, and trot up stairs along side my roomie who has her own stor to tell. We shower up and change for bed..then as we exchange stories of our fairy tale nights in wonderful hear a chatter outside..we hope it is "our boys" and then realize other wise. Shortly after she leaves to go to her own quarters chatter below my window starts again. I crack my window and look down with hopes not to wake my host family sleeping next door. Only to find my own small scale Prince Charming waiting below. First thing i told him was you should get home your mom is gonna kill you..and the response couldn't have been better "you'd be worth every lash" So we sat on top of the roof, and him on the driveway below chatting until the sun came up. My departure time was set at 9 i believe. around 6 am i snuck outside only to spen a few more moments with the most perfect person i have, and will probably ever meet. He wanted nothing, no alterior motive, just to spend time with me. To be around me. For me to be around him. Just to steal me away from the harsh realities of the world for as many hours as possible.
Love? Maybe Lust? possibly but doubtful...all i know was that it couldn't have been written better than the way it played out.
So this may allow some of you to understand my love for well as why i am enabled to pick out every minor detail about every single guy. This is why i don't settle. It is my curse, and my blessing.