I went a little while ago to get it from Circuit City because they supposedly had "free calendars." By the time I got there, all the movies were gone and they had never even received the calendars. So I skipped on over to Wal*Mart and bought a copy for myself and picked up one for
margarita_mix as well. Problem, though: it wouldn't work in my DVD player at all. After having a small panic attack, I checked my mother's DVD player and it worked. So now I just can't watch it in my room.
All day long random people, oblivious to the fact that I was wearing my Rent T-shirt, were like, "HAY DID YOU KNOW THAT RENT COMES OUT TODAY LOL?" like I didn't know. Someone was even nice enough to inform me that Jonathan Larson passed away...
Today we got our research papers back in Fisher's class and I got an 80! I probably could've done better had I not stayed up until four in the morning the day it was due to write it, but hey, it's a hell of a lot better than I had been doing.
And in other news, we're having another problem with the stupid limo for prom. We had it all worked out that we'd have a 20 person limo and we knew what price we had to pay. Kerrie's mom called up the place, but they needed a list of names, which she didn't have. So she called back the next day to give them the list but they'd given the limo away to some ghey wedding party. I'm kind of PISSED OFF. After we had everything all organized, too. Man. Now I think we have no choice but to go in two separate limos. Bah. Oh wells.