When it's through, it's through. Fate will twist the both of you.

Feb 14, 2006 20:12

Although I'm not still terribly fond of the holiday, today was a better Valentine's Day than usual. I got a ton of stuff from my friends, including candy and flowers from Josh, who happens to also be my prom date. :)
I had actually gotten valentines for everyone but I completely forgot about them until this morning. They're so lame compared to everyone else's stuff that I don't know if I'm even going to bother bringing them in now. xP
Also, as much as I dislike Mrs. Fisher at the moment, her class is awesome simply because of the people in it. Lately we've been doing grammar exercises, everyone's nightmare, so we did all that we could to take up time. This morning Drew (the kid that asked a girl to be his girlfriend over Eagles on the Air this morning) said to me, "Seventh period's going to be fun today" but he wouldn't tell me why. I won't go into detail, but after the bell rang a kid walked into the classroom with a bag of gifts for Mrs. Fisher. It was a weird moment because all the gifts were so bizarre (like mineral water. wtf?). She didn't want to keep opening them, and I don't blame her. It was amusing, though. Right after that, we had a totally unexpected tornado drill so we got to waste another ten minutes just sitting in a group and talking. Then we had to take a short vocabulary quiz but we all held our papers as long as possible until she actually asked if no one was going to turn them in. Mrs. Fisher then made the mistake of stepping outside of the classroom to talk to some kid in private because, as soon as she wasn't looking, half the class got up and ran outside through the side door. (I didn't go because my grade is already low enough in that class. :] )None of them (AP kids, mind you) remembered to keep the door open so they got locked out. Then they all ran around the building so she couldn't even find them when she returned. It was basically chaos in seventh period today - this is what grammar does to kids. And imagine, we actually had time left for one of the exercises.
Today is also my mom's birthday so we went out to dinner. Yay, Chili's. ^_^
Now I've got a bunch of (grammar) homework and a scholarship essay to finish. Boo.

Hope you all had a nice day, my dears.

P.S. A portrait of romantic breakups collected from blogs in 2005

english, prom, valentine's day, mom's birthday, ap english lang. and comp., mom, mrs. fisher

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