Jan 02, 2006 22:08
The last week before winter break started for dance, I was sick so I missed all the practices. I decided not to do competition but wanted to learn the dance anyway. They wound up changing the entire dance, music included, so I guess I'm no longer the alternate unless something serious happens to someone. Like if I were to trip one of them.
I've had a lot of family visiting over the past week, so my mother's been hanging around with this one cousin of hers. She lives in North Dakota and is dating this Native American guy so she's really into spiritual healing and herbs and these things called "sweats" where you shove yourself inside a tent with various strangers so you can sweat for some undisclosed purpose. I missed it while I was at dance, but she came and blessed the house for us. My dad told me that she walked around wafting smoke around with an eagle quill and somehow a seashell was involved. It's not that I hate nature or something, but I don't think that if a hurricane were to tear my neighborhood down, a magic feather is going to make sure that ours is the only house still standing. I'm probably messing up the feng-shui, or whatever, because of my "negativity." Sorry, spirits.
Speaking of things I don't believe in, I looked at my horoscope on msn.com:
The last few years have been difficult ones, Cancer, and you’ve often wondered if you’d ever reach the point where you can actually enjoy life. This year, you just might do it. Work stresses will be markedly lower, and you might be able to get by with putting in fewer hours. Not only that - your personal life is going to blossom like never before. Relationships of all kinds will improve, and if you’ve ever doubted it, this year you’ll know for certain that family, friends, and lovers alike adore you and will always be there for you. You won’t spend all your spare time idly. Not at all! You’ll be busy pursuing your own interests, and enjoying life overall. Few new worries will come your way. Enjoy.
I'm not exactly the type to live by the stars, but I like reading horoscopes because sometimes I find them comforting, like this one.
I've been thinking a lot about the past year, more than I usually do. I don't have the best memory, but I've been comprising a list of important things that happened.
- My grandfather passed away.
+(?) I moved into a new house.
- Jackie moved away.
+ I became a senior.
- Senior year sucks.
+ I made a lot of new friends, or became closer to people.
+ Rent came out. (After three years of waiting, this deserves to make the list.)
+ HP & HBP
+ I got a laptop.
+ I went to Puerto Rico for the first time in about thirteen years.
-/+ I went to Taste of Chaos, my first rock concert.
There are more positives but I feel as though they are outweighed by the negatives. Which is why I'd like this year to be better. For the first time, I'm making real resolutions and will hopefully live up to them. So far I've come up with:
>Get my license, finally.
>Finish organizing my room, and keep it that way.
>Limit the time I waste on the internet.
>Stop judging people so harshly. (This one might be a little hard. I've realized that I dislike almost everyone upon first meeting them; but if forced to spend a lot of time with someone, I'll like almost anyone.)
I'm going to write them down and put them on my bulletin board, so I can remind myself of what I need to do. Then again, knowing me, I'll probably wind up covering the list with random crap and not achieving anything, ha.
Seriously, everyone. No matter how 2005 went for you, I hope 2006 is better.
P.S. My Duke application is due tomorrow and I am so nervous! :X
new year,
spirit stuff,