I think these things are too hopeful, even with my expert knowledge.

Aug 08, 2005 15:22

jump off my pen: raining on your first day?
jump off my pen: kinda symbolic...
jump off my pen: or...
awful leisure: That's what I'm thinking!
jump off my pen: i mean
jump off my pen: hope it's not an omen.
awful leisure: Yeah, that word.
awful leisure: Want another omen?
jump off my pen: yes.
awful leisure: Bush is my homeroom.
jump off my pen: so you're doomed?
awful leisure: I think so.

HR: Bush
1: Health, Laza
2: Psych, Wilcox
3: AP Chem, Vonada
4: Anatomy, Wagner
5: Econ Hon., Bush
6: Lunch
7: AP Comp., Fisher

Right now I don't feel like going into detail about my classes because I want to sleep.
Although I should mention that today I'm going back to dance, but I'm only going for tap. There's a whole three people in my class that I actually know, everyone else seems to have died. I'm nervous. I don't want to suck.

dance, school

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