(no subject)

Dec 19, 2005 10:39

ahh i cant forget about this recent complete validation of the idea that; they are just a cut above, and can handle anything with using solely what they know as MAN-power.

there was shit that needed to be handled (requiring knowledge and skills not required) and because three of us men were together so unable to ask for help in the presence of his fellows, we all acted like there was nothing to worry about and could be fixed with ease and pulled a move of epicly poor judgement, unreasonable and highly likely to produce catastrophic badness solely because we wanted to feel like we knew what we were doing and that we were manly men of masculinity&talent.

This reality defying attempt at possibly looking really really cool was dubbed to be none other than;
Backyard Mechanics

We on no grounds decided that this must be the problem and we could fix it. so we confidently went to the nearbye store found the auto section and arbitratily grabbed three differnt car related fluids acting as if it were just what we were looking for and had been confidently selected and all agreed that these were obviously what would fix the problem (not fooling anyone or ourselves of being right-but not allowing that to cross our minds) and purchased them without stay.
up to this point being impressively disilusional, but low stakes decisions became unimportant;
we got to the car, popped the hood and thats when things got all too real...we all became aware of the heroicly ballsy chance we were about to take at random. a bottle was arbitrarily deemed to be used first was opened, and ready to pour before we fatefully looked at whatever stuff it was under the hood and when we noticed a cap just poured into, closed back up, and then repeated with three differnt caps until finished, knowing we were introducing unstable chemicals into what was in reality just a combustion in a box called an engine.
we looked at eachother, all hoping against hope that it was gonna happen to work out ok, and not being fatal which was completely possible, and i TURNED THE IGNITION...

wait, no explosion, wait im still alive, its actually-no-no way-my god yes way actually operational and *sweet jesus not only not having destroyed the vehicle but against all statistical probability was made actually a correct level of functioning-being returned miraculously to the proper level of functional efficiency.

we had just actually fixed, perfectly, a complex mechanical piece of technology......literally using nothing whatsoever other than what was only the essence of MAN-power.

we had used our gut feeling to do something that had actually worked.....this was the first in my life time, feeling of surity in MAN-power (not just acting like it was true), right then i didnt have to tell myself how awsome and large n incharege i was to feel important, i actually was, undeniably both large and in charge, and i was actually 'the MAN'
triumphant godly delusions ran free,

truely this was the male sense of false superiority at its best. Now days later we still remember in disbelif that absolute feeling of perfeciton, walking amongst man a golden god, and being true heroes.

it is not a part of reality but my brain makes it as real. man it might be sad that it take only unusual good fortune and things happening like as if you made them happen but the mind of man knows no greater satisfaction than feeling in control.....i thuroughly have impressed myself.

ahhh contentment to the upmost degree..... yay for delusions of grandieur
my life is just validated for a while

i am now decidedly a pro backyard mechanic, the sport of kings....kings i say

frekin sweet man, frekin sweet

= )
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