Your famous blue raincoat was torn at the shoulder

Jan 25, 2007 22:00

Hey all. I just got back from the MUN Cinema Series (they play a movie at the theatre every Thursday, one which may not be seen with the so-called 'popular' string of movies that regularly plays there) where I saw the movie For Your Consideration. What a hoot! And highly appropriate for this time of year - basically, making fun of Hollywood and the 'Oscar'buzz'. It's a Christopher Guest film (same as Best in Show) and I highly recommend it, just for the pure entertainment value. Lots of laughs.

So I've had a story building in my mind for some time now, so I'm going to try and do some serious writing for a change. I mean, as in trying to produce something original and good. Since I missed NaNoWriMo, I'll make this kind of like my own version - except slower and easier because I'm supposed to be writing a thesis actually. This is more fun, and I always write better quality stories when I'm supposed to be doing something else. I'm not going to talk about the plotline or anything until I get myself a bit further into it, and if I feel brave enough I might then decide to use my flist as my 'test readers'. But we'll see... indeed, we'll see.

What else? Nothing much I guess. I can't believe that it's Friday tomorrow. I've gotten hardly anything done this week, or that's how it feels. I hope tomorrow is a productive day so I can go into the weekend feeling guilt-free... but I doubt it.

That is all for now, folks. Hope all my flist is doing fine and dandy.


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