"Stay home, your freaks!"

Sep 17, 2006 16:21

montreal shooting.

this has got to be one of the most pedjudist things i have ever seen in a newspaper, EVER.
i cant belive that toronto star alowed something like this to even be printed. 
the media has once agian pointed fingers at the goth comunity after the shooting because of the way someone dressed. they think that a website is to blame for this mans actions. they are as predjuice as when gays were considered evil or blacks worthless scum for nothing more than work that the greater whites couldent be bothered with. i am astounded that people can be so blind and think that just because they have a diferent style or belief system, that they are the one and only ones to blame. 
and after all of that, someone sujested helping in the childrens foundationand, they were blutly told( not by the foundation but the toronto star) that they should STAY HOME, YOU FREAKS,   SINK BACK TO YOUR DARK ONLINE WORLD OF BLOOD AND GORE. DO US ALL A FAVOR AND STAY AWAY.

its quite redicolous but i would just be repeating my self.
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