Dec 06, 2005 16:56
It was soooooooooo funny in biology today. Some kid in my class asked my teacher why if was so foggy out today and her reply was "because thats how much I smoked." I was ROTFLZZ. In photography this kid was standing next to me and he said "I like" I was like... what the fuck, and since he is in my biology class too, he said it there too and i started cracking up laughing. Then he asked me if I did drugs and I said OFCOURSENOT. Then he asked me if I was offended. Then he asked my teacher if she did drugs and she said "Yes...I am a crack baby." Today was like the funniest day ever. I also saw Mickey! In his ROTC uniform!! I wanted to run up to him and hug him until he died! But I didn't. Tomorrow I have lunch with the coolest people on this earth. I hope I see him and Z... with his growling self. LMAOOOOOO. Kids are so silly. But I also found out bad news today about my mommy. I dont want to talk about it. =[