I would finish my Weekend Update here but I'm sleepy and going to bed soon.....
Katie made it to Atlanta all right...(still haven't cried like a lil bitch thank you very much!)
As soon as she gets back from visiting her sister in NC I'm going to spend a weekend up there with her....needless to say with all that is going on w/ K-la I'm going to miss Katie even more than I thought.....
Oh btw to all that expressed concern I did finally poop....I don't feel any better but I think that's just the fact that I'm dreading this week.....the nap I took today rocked hardcore though...I love my new bed...
Adopt your own Old Skool Adoptable! can anyone suggest a game on Yahoo?? C.T. plays pool on Yahoo all the time so I have the Java console on my PC anyway so I figured I should get some use out of it ...
well I guess this is nite nite....