Title: mirror reflection
Author: forgotten evil (writing journal
Pairing: Benji and Joel
Rating: nothing graphic, but i wouldnt say not disturbing(or confusing) to some.
Disclaimer: own no-thing and no-one.
Words: 585
Joel stood against the mirror. His body flush with the cold surface, his mind racing back to when he was a child.
He and Benji used to do the “mirror thing”. They would practice unnecessarily for hours, having been born with the gift of synchronization, at least when it came to each other.
It had been a great party trick, everyone marveling at their ability to be so in sync, even if they were twins.
Joel stood back now, slowly lifting his arm, but the reflection in the mirror wasn’t that of himself. It was Benji. He was where Joel’s reflection should have been, he was Joel’s reflection, only it was like Joel was looking in from the window as they were both facing the same direction.
The lone metal table and chair that Joel knew was behind him didn’t show in the reflection. Instead it showed their childhood bedroom. The posters of their teenage idols covering all walls, with their two unmade single beds pulled together, a scratched chest of drawers the only other furniture in the room. A floor wasn’t visible for the mess of clothes, magazines and general crap everywhere. Their window was open to the streets of waldalf below, a cool summer breeze floating into the room.
Joel experimentally lifted his other arm, the reflection following him. Still testing he began tapping his knee with his right hand, Benji’s reflection following. Again he repeated the process with his left hand and when the reflection followed he fell into the pace of their old routine. Once finished he simply stood their, staring at the back of the head he knew better then any other.
Going on instinct Joel spun around so he was facing the back wall, he waited a moment before snapping back to face the mirror, but unlike before the reflection hadn’t turned around again and so Joel stood face to face with Benji.
Their cold eyes met, identical in no way. In synch both stepped closer to the other, the clarity of which was the real reflection having been lost. Together they raised their hands, the cool glass connecting them. Fingers twitched, eye brows furrowed and both licked the wall in front of them.
Then for the first time, faces tilted in opposite directions and a gentle kiss was shared. A kiss that burnt and collided, let go and destroyed, pounded and weakened, finally tying with string so tight it would never be broken.
Eyes still closed Joel raised his arm, his fist connecting with the mirror, the glass shattering to reveal the shocked faces of all those standing behind it.
But Joel ignored this, and with the glass he fell to the floor. Using his ever-dwindling strength he looked down at his arms. They were both covered with embedded glass, some large some small, all smeared with his translucent blood.
Benji’s reflection stared back at him a trillion times, like the past too many years it was void of emotion, unfeeling and so sure.
Joel didn’t know how long he sat there for, eyes closed and unaware of the bare room surrounding him, but when he opened his eyes again his body was healed, no trace of the blood that had never been bled. He could no longer see a reflection, only the marks and risen sections of his body. The permanent body modification would forever remind him of when he was once whole, but now that Benji was apart of him he had never been so alone.
I apologize for the grammar, but at the same time it’s meant to be like that. And to those who replied to my last post(weeks ago) thank you so much, I’m sorry I didn’t reply but my computer crashed the next day and was out for a week