May 22, 2005 09:49
well well well...
Friday-Molly and chelsea stayed the nite..and carlos stopped by for a couple minutes..and then after he left me chelsea amd molly went to the movies and saw was pretty good..and thhheeennn we came home and ate pizza and attempted to watch lemony snickets (wiierd ass movie) and then we decided to watch neverending i havent watched that movie in forever..molly and i both confesed that movie scared the shit outta us wen we were little kids.haha..
Saturday-we woke up and chelsea had to leave..but molly and i went to the mall where we saw carlos and ulises (damn we see these kids everywhere) and then we ran into Valerie and Danya and Morgan! AHH! i havent seen then in forever!! i missed you guys!! and then grace showed up and we were hangin out w/ her..but then molly got sick and so she left and that left me and grace and we were talkin alot..and then after i got home i had to get ready for the game..and was fun..very tiring..but i hit every stunt didnt fall! yessssss..annd then i got home last nite..and chelsea stayed the ntie again..and we had an interesting convorsation about..yea..actually it was just a few exchanged words..not really a conversation..yea..
andddd today (sunday)-i suppose im goin to my uncles house..yyep ok well ima go because im being IMed perfusly and i cant do this and talk to them at the same time :) comment please!