May 18, 2005 15:31
yester day was awesome went to DQ with NICOLE(the soon to be shit looking fuck face) and laura. that was cool shiley got mad because we didn't want to go her way so she went home.AND TO STOP THE RUMOR NICOLE DID NOT SMOKE WEED AT KRISSYS AND WEED IS GAY AND SO IS EVERYONE WHO SMOKES IT SO STOP SAYING NICOLE DID IT. BUT I WILL START A NEW BUT TRUE RUMOR THAT SHE WILL OOK LIKE A PIECE OF SHIT TOMORROW SO IF YOU WANT TO WEAR A WHITE T-SHIRT SAYING SHE LOOKS LIKE SHIT DO SO.after DQ we went to the regal where they did not have nemore tickets to star wars.then we rode through saber park to the mall. then we went to the mall where me nicole and laura got our picture taken..good times then we went to phase id and i had nicole try on this leather top thing where it had like 2 cup things to hold the boobs and this skirt it i must say she looked hott. "where the fuck is all that shit that girl just tried on". then we rode back to nicole's it was a great time. we saw that midget security gaurd...fag. it was a good time yesterday noone complaing about shit that really isn't any of thier buisness in the first place and have no right to say nething at all. well yester day was the best day in a long time and this saturday is gonna be awesome 2.
P.S. nicole is getting a hair cut today and it is gonna look really bad MAKE FUN OF HER.