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Nov 07, 2005 16:40

Wellll ..leme see... taday i wrote crafts ..which we really didnt write anythin we just had a nornal class and i finished my beautiful mosaic jar which isnt exactly beautiful in the least :S ..but what can ya do i tryed :)..then went to the library ta studie a bit then went to DQ with sean and umm i can never remember his name .. he has a shirt that says CRAP on it ..hes pretty ghetto...got back to school then i had my english exam which was pretty good which is suprising.. tomarow is the BIG exam for me ...evil bio .. i actually like biology .. but not photicynthesis and cycles..they suck donkey dick as allie would say !...disectiong is the way to go ..we get to do that next term after these exams which is gonna be sooo wikkid ! ..i think we get to disect worms and grasshoppers and frogs ..should be delishous!.... well tonight i plan on studien a lot a lot so i can actually do good and pass my exam..i think i'm goin to sam sams house so we can "study" ...then on thursday i got french which isnt to bad i dont get it but i will by then ...and its only worth 10% compared to the 30-40% exams...this long weekend should be subber subber wikkid ass fun i am hopein! ..i cant do anythin on wednesday night due to the fact i was 2 hours late gettin home on saterday night just cuz...damn cerfew!..and then mom said if i complain about it i will be home thursday night as well ... so damn her as well!..immmma go get some gruuubb so..
-keep it real sistas
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