So there's this girl...

Mar 29, 2009 22:24

...and she likes to write. I found out about her through John Green and other Nerdfighters. I've read her blogs and follow her on twitter. If her stories are as fun to read as her blogs I'll probably enjoy them once I finally get a chance to read one. "So who is she?" you may be asking. Well, you may or may not have heard of her, but her name is Maureen Johnson.

The reason I'm writing about her is that beginning this Wednesday she will be starting what she has dubbed "Blog Every Day in April" or BEDA for short, as a sorta build-up for the release of her book Suite Scarlett in paperback on May 1st. If you want to follow this you can read the entries on blog or in the blogs section of her newly created Ning site.  As soon as she announced this a few days ago on twitter people were already asking if they could join her in this venture. "of course!" she said. Quite a few people have already commited to joining her including Alex Day (aka Nerimon on youtube) who instead of blogging everyday (which he basically already does...a few times a day, actually) in April will vlog (video log) everyday on his personal channel.

At first I thought I could never commit to doing that, but after giving it some thought I 1) remembered that I did the "8 days of happyness" thing a while back and actually enjoyed it and 2) realised this might be just the thing to break me back into blogging more often so that I don't only come by to post entries that are mostly whining or just too long. This may also just help break me of my over-tweeting problem.

So I invite anyone who reads this to join in with BEDA (or VEDA like Alex if making videos is more your thing), or at least follow along with me or any other BEDAers (especially Maureen) for moral support b/c I know somedays I/we won't feel like writing anything.

DFTBA (Don't Forget To Be Awesome...or Dorks Form the Best Alliances...or Darn Fowl That Bring Ailment)

april, vlogbrothers, beda, maureen johnson, ning, blogging, nerdfighters

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