Day 22: What makes me Me

Apr 22, 2009 18:04

The other day I asked for ideas for topics to blog about and Kiera said, "how about an examination of what makes you YOU. Like just funny quirks and stuff...?"

Despite the subject this was a hard question for me to answer. I'm bad about talking about myself. Maybe that's one of my quirks? Anyways...I'll give it a go. might be kinda short b/c I waited too long to finish this even though I started it last night knowing that I like to procrastinate.

First of all, it's not really a quirk but I'm a pretty shy guy. At least around most people or if I've just met you. You might not have even noticed as much if you only know me online, because I'm much more talkative online than I am in person. Depending on the situation I might seem pretty outgoing when I first meet you, but then you'll notice I tend to slink into my shell more often, unless something pulls me right back out.

As far as my sense of humor, you could say it's a bit on the cheesey side sometimes. Being punny is hard work sometimes, and totally worth the groans.  I've also noticed sometimes people just don't get my jokes or that the jokes are sometimes weird. That's ok though, as long as I think it's funny I'm usually not hurt if you don't laugh along...unless it was accidentally in bad taste. In that case I'm sorry.

Another thing that makes me who I am is having an open ear/shoulder.  Friends tend to come to me and open up about things (like sekrits or problems they're having) I guess because they know I will listen, not judge, and be supportive as much as I can. I'm not so great with least I don't think so...but if they ask for some I'll do my best.

Um...I really don't know what else to say that makes me who I am.....Maybe if I had more time to think about this. Maybe a part 2 sometime later?

So, whar are some things that make YOU you? Or to indulge my vanity a bit more (and because I think who we are in others' eyes is sometimes different than how we see ourselves), what do YOU think sets me apart or makes me unique?

Today was awesome because I found this through someone else's BEDA on MJ's ning

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and also b/c I was part of a DailyBooth collab pic today.

friends, beda, shy, quirk, listen, kiera, shoulder, me

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