[icons] 175 Hetalia Icons

May 17, 2009 12:54

...Ok, so I already know that I make waaaaaaaay to many icons...but oh well.

Here's a set of 175 hetalia icons (from the 400+ I've already made). Enjoy!!! XD

Da rules (as always):
*Please credit if you plan to use any (and a comment would be lovely as well! ;P)

Once again, I do not know the artists for any of the fanart, so if you know any, let me know and I will credit the artist. Thanks!!!:)



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#24 -27: Art Credit = ugly-baka-girl @ deviantart
#115: Art Credit = orrie-g @ deviantArt.
#127 and #128: Art Credit = waterlyt @ deviantart.com.
#138-145: Art Credit = badbadtzmaru.deviantart.com

china, sealand, latvia, austria, spain, france, america, russia, greece, uk, icons, finland, lithuania, sweden, germany, italy, prussia, canada, switzerland, turkey, hetalia, japan, poland

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