May 03, 2009 14:11

...ok...*calms down*...

I just have to say that A) rowing is by far the best sport in the world (feel free to debate me on that though ;P) and B) I love my team to death.

We had a scrimmage today against one of the main regional rowing clubs in my area (my team is a school team, so we don't have as many people nor do we have as long a season, which puts us at a major disadvantage) and we were on fire! We only lost ONE of the races and usually ended up sweeping the race, taking first, second, and third! *squeeeee* I'm so proud of my crew and team mates! XD

I know I'm rambling now, and most of you probably don't even care about this (understandable), but I just had to let that out...yeah...

Ok, rambling done...I swear!

rambling, rowing

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