Dear Winter, I've grown tired of you.

Feb 19, 2010 14:59

The first half of today I was feeling pretty crappy, and I am blaming it on the weather and the fact I don't really have anything to do today, my day off. Blah.

But I ate some Fig Newmans, bought some shoes with some of my Tax Refund (wooo!) and am feeling a wee bit better.

There is this designer re-sale shop in Minneapolis called June that we always visit when they have an event, because they always have pink champagne and treats, as well as at least %20 off most of their items. This time I bought a faux fur stole and a neat bracelet with a small cameo in a gold bow/flower. Two days later the cameo popped out and I lost it! I think I can find something else to glue in there, but I don't know yet...

Oh, and they also had a free lash bar! Turned out just to be a make up artist putting Mod Lashes on everyone, but it was a nice freebie.

This past week or so I have always had the Knife's new song/opera "The Colouring of Pigeons" looping in my head. It doesn't really work since 1) the opera part I can't sing so If I start humming it it sounds bad, and 2) I don't even know the words. But it is beautiful. The rest of the album is pretty weird and sometimes sounds like trash bags being rumpled, but I'm excited to listen to it more and find more tracks and moments that attach themselves to my neurons as much as "Colouring" has.

I don't know how many people will care, but lemme talk about Swedish Hasbeens for a second. I finally ordered a pair [these guys] so I can wear them whilst in Mexico next week (Oh lord, did I tell you I am going to Mexico with my mom? Because it is all that is keeping me conscious right now).

I got them on for a great deal (and free two day shipping. Dude.) but also found a site for a store called Fitts & Company which has a bunch of Hasbeens for (relatively) dirt cheap. They didn't have the exact model I wanted, but I will have to keep an eye on their stock next time I have money to burn. But I might wait until I am actually in Scandinavia to buy anymore...we'll see.

I feel like straight crap but might go to Trader Joe's and attempt to make some caramels for my friend's birthday. I'm not making any promises. Winter is draining the life out of me! Spring, where are you!?

À bientôt.
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