Mar 20, 2004 05:09
so this gorilla escaped the dallas zoo yesterday during rush hour. i heard about it on the way to belly dance lessons. apparently the gorilla escaped his pen and the only reason the zookeepers knew about it was because these children were running around screaming about how the "monkey had their mom". the gorilla (i'll call him JoJo for simplicity's sake) had grabbed this woman and was waving her about in the air. she was not injured. i was laughing my ass off until the reporter announced that 2 people were actually injured later on in the hour, one being the zookeeper and the other a small boy, and also that they had to put Jojo down once they caught him. i don't know why but it bothered me more that they killed Jojo than the fact that he hospitalized 2 people. and it ruined my comical imaginings of someone's mom being grabbed by a 400 pound gorilla and her screams echoing throughout the zoo...hehehe who am i kidding that part is still hilarious. and now i'm all tapped out for stuff to write about because although yesterday was quite has been entirely stupid and uneventful. so if you are like me and have nothing better to do, say a little prayer for JoJo the gorilla, in hopes that he is in a better place now...a place with an endless supply of bananas and plenty of unsuspecting housewives to toss about as he pleases. rest in peace, Jojo.