you were just friends, at least thats what you said..

May 18, 2009 17:48

jeez, long time no post.
but i have been busy ya'knooo..
revising for various tests [spanish has actually given me the worst migrane imaginable]
trying to sort out the various boy-related problems in my life [which are still to be sorted..]
nearly getting another detention; this time because emma was chasing me around the lab trying to put a pencl up my nose [is it no wonder that i out-grew that girl?]
and trying to earn some money to get the various piercings i have planned..   (;
plus trying to finish the fanfic that fiona is bugging me to read.

so i really do have an excuse  :D

school is now practically deserted. the year elevens have left, which is utter crap as now there is no one to stalk *ahem* check out.  but it was bucketing it down anyway, and because my friends are certifiably insane they thought it would be a good idea to go out in it.    as it turns out, its not the best idea as white shirts + water = a rather embarassing situation.

plus my summer holidays are now nearly full, with going to rhodes for a week, then maybe going to Uppingham Theatre School for another and now going off to surf for a few weeks with my tom [who i have been missing like mad] it looks like ill hardly be in leicester at all..   what a relief!   and as an added bonus- oh yes in writing-

so i get spencers room, AND to go surfing again;  my life is getting good :D

now im getting a bit of milo withdrawal symptoms :P

okay right, i know i couldnt decide which way i liked his hair most- but i think it like this.
plus close upppp (L)

leather jacket. leather jacket. leather jacket.   (LL)
badboy jess is love.


gahh he's too damn pretty!

boy problems, surf, spanish, uppingham theatre school, milo ventimiglia, summer holidays, detention, fanfic, emma, piercings, tom, jess mariano, rain, spencer, rhodes, fiona

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