apparently im quoteable.
thats a good thing right?
time is short, and im sure there must be something more.
lacrosse today, rather enjoyable.
mostly because i was trying to hit annabel when she wasnt looking; and tbh im rather proud of myself for my first ever time + i was incredibly close (;
i got a major headache at lunch today, because i was being too random and the randomness made my head hurt, that makes sense right?
+ i wanted an ice-lolly :( a blue one, cuz i love blue ice-lollies.
if you buy me one then ill love you forever. and ever. and ever.
i promise.
look he's an idiot like me.
it just makes me love him even more..
i need more milo..
literati = love.
my favourite quote in like, forever.
i need more gilmore girls in my life.