Jun 02, 2007 22:41
Nick and I have yet to figure out how to put the air conditioner in the living room properly (he's expended much energy and used his spatial skills on this, whereas I have simply given up), so it's hot as balls in my apartment. The bedroom air conditioner is in though, so sleeping is not an issue, thank the maker.
Anyway, I had to leave the house today because of the temperature, so I watched Spiderman 3. It was entertaining and the effects were awesome, but I felt like there was just too much going on - there were, what, 4 superhero types in this one. I won't post too many spoilers for those who haven't seen the movie, but "Venom" Peter Parker was hilarious. The dancing in MJ's club and the scenes where he was walking down the NYC streets snapping and pointing at women actually made me laugh out loud. The ending was a tad weepy (why do so many of these types of movies end in man crying?), but overall, I'll rate it as okay. However, this is not a movie I could watch over and over.
I also saw Pirates 3 and Waitress within the past week. I generally don't go to the movies that often, so seeing 3 movies in the space of 7 days is odd. Anyway, I found Pirates 3 to be better than Pirates 2, but no where near as good as the original - nothing will ever be as good as "but where has all the rum gone?!" Again, it was another entertaining movie, but I'm not going to kid you and say it was quality. Seriously, WTF at the Calypso thing?! I was expecting much more to develop.
Waitress, a totally different kind of movie, I really liked. The ending was a tad silly, but the acting was great, the story was funny, and I really liked the characters. Very sadly, the writer/director/co-star of the movie, Adrienne Shelley, actually was murdered after the movie was made.
OOOOOH, there was a Harry Potter 5 trailer packaged with Spiderman. VERY EXCITING, though what's with Voldemort in the suit?