Apr 27, 2011 22:28

I think if you took a shot every time someone said "son of a bitch" during the Lethal Weapon films, they would become a lot more interesting. I mean, they're not bad, they're just...not that great either. I watched the first one at the weekend, the second one Monday, and the third today. And I think with each of them, I've ended up drifting off at some point because some crazy 20 minute car chase was going down or whatever. If you're able to stop paying attention for more than two minutes, and then when you come back to, you're still at the same level of not knowing what's going on instead of seriously confused, something's not right. I'm just really not sure what to think of them. Am I meant to take them seriously? Or just sit back and enjoy the explosions?

I was woken up at 6:55 this morning, by one of my darling cats scratching at my door because she wanted breakfast. Usually I just ignore her when she does this because it only wakes me up enough to register there's noise, but today it properly woke me up. I misread my clock to start with and thought it said 7:55, so I debated just getting up a bit earlier than I'd planned (alarm was set for 8:10), but then I realised what time it really was and faceplanted back onto my mattress, then proceeded to doze until my alarm went off.

Why was I getting up so early? Because dad, my brother and I had plans to go to Wingham Wildlife Park, woopwoop. Usually I wouldn't tag along to this sort of thing 'cause I get bored in zoos that I've been to before, but I actually had fun. There were these two tiger cubs which are being hand reared because their mother rejected them, and they were so cute. We stood watching them frolic and play with their keepers for like, 15 minutes. And there was also a llama, yaaaaaaay :D (Not in the same enclosure as the lion cubs. Obviously.) I love llamas; there was no sign to tell us what any of the animals in this park were called so I just named it Kuzco, because that's how I roll. There was a cute deer too, which tried to steal Kuzco's food, so Kuzco kept spitting at it, and then the deer would rub its facce against Kuzco and it was hilarious and adorable.

I would type out some of my thoughts about "Born This Way" but it's just taken me nearly half an hour to write all this. Concentration, what's that? One thing I have noticed though, is that I seem to not like Glee-doing-Gaga until I see the actual performance of the song. It was the same with 'Bad Romance'; I seriously did not like their version when I first heard it (granted, that was before I even started watching the show) but I fell in love with it after watching "Theatricality", and now it's one of my favourite songs of theirs. Same thing has happened with 'Born This Way', wut.

tv: glee, movies, family

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