(no subject)

Mar 16, 2011 23:03

I don't think my post yesterday made a whole lot of sense. This is why I shouldn't be allowed near the internet when I'm sleepy; it's hard enough making sense at the best of times, let alone when the basic motor functions are starting to shut down due to tiredness. I end up with all these things I want to say but no real idea of how to say them.

Today was a crazy, crazy day. I woke up feeling very lethargic and didn't much feel like going to work. Mostly because I...dreamt about today's shift, so it felt like I'd already been. It's not the first time I've dreamt about going into work, but it was definitely one of the weirder scenarios. The only bit I really remember is going up to the staff room for my 15 minute break, except I got confused and ended up eating my lunch instead, and it was only after like, 40 minutes had passed that I realised it wasn't meant to be my lunch break. And then one of my colleagues came up to get a glass of water and I was just like "sorry, took my lunch break instead!" and she just said "yeah, we were wondering where you'd gone." and then went back to the shop floor. I don't even know. You'd think if my subconscious was going to make me imagine something unrealistic happening at work, it would at least be exciting.

So anyway, finally got to work and, weirdly, my mood lifted and I was unusually bubbly. It's a shame I didn't get the mystery shopper, I don't think I would have been called unenthusiastic this time! We also had a new work experience person start today and I was asked to give her the tour/show her the health and safety DVDs etc. She's a lovely girl, the only trouble is she's from Spain and her English isn't that good yet. And as my Spanish-speaking skills consist of "me llama Sam" and "papel por favor", you can see how our conversations verged on the teeth-pulling end of frustrating. You don't realise how lazy your way of speaking has become until you try and talk to someone not fluent in your language, and they can't understand you. I should probably work on that.

Ummm. What else. The rest of the day was pretty good. It seemed to pass by very quickly which is never a bad thing. And now I'm starting to get excited because in two days I will be in Americaaaaa~ :) I'm somewhat nervous about flying by myself but hopefully it won't be too bad.

travelling, job, dream

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