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Oct 22, 2010 16:23

I've somehow ended up REALLY into Glee. After a year or so of insisting it wasn't really my thing (without knowing much about it, I'd assumed it was along the cheesy HSM lines), I finally gave it a try this past weekend. I borrowed the first half of S1 DVDs from my cousin and...fell in love with it. Seriously. I've ordered the boxset from play.com for myself so I don't have to wait to see my cousin to get the next lot of DVDs.

I'll admit, from just the first episode I was still a bit 'not sure if want'. I stuck it on while I was doing the ironing, mostly for background noise, and apart from my head whipping back up after Kurt started talking so I could do the wait-that's-a-guy? double take, I didn't think it was anything that special. Buuuut then once I actually sat down to watch the rest properly (with my mum and brother, who also ended up really liking it), I found that it's really quite addictive. Although there are some irritating characters, they're just likable enough that they don't make you want to turn the episode off. And actually, I've found I like most of the characters for one reason or another. Also, the fact that there's a good mix of new and old music used gives it many bonus points from me :)

And I cannot stop listening to this song now.

music, television, tv: glee

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