(no subject)

Sep 24, 2010 14:50

I keep writing journal entries in my head but not actually getting as far as typing them up and posting them. Ho hum.

I've realised in the past couple of days that I actually kinda miss writing essays, which is quite...ironic I guess, considering how much my assignments stressed me out, particularly in my final year. I was always convinced I'd done terribly and that each essay handed in must be the worst one I'd ever written, and yet still got pretty good grades.

Anyhow, my brother had been working on this essay for college about how Grizzly Bears have adapted to their lifestyle, and when he got stuck he asked for my help. Helping him with the research (i.e. thinking of good search terms which would get him the info he wanted) was fun, and rewording parts of what he'd written was...I guess 'satisfying' is the word I'm after.

It definitely made me think that perhaps I ought to have chosen to do an MA or something.

education, essay, writing, family

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