(no subject)

Sep 10, 2010 17:48

Operation: Clear Out Room is nearing its final stages, at last. Pretty much everything I own is now packed away in boxes and carrier bags (not including clothes of course; my wardrobe is an inbuilt one so I don't need to worry about moving it out the way). My bookshelves are all empty and waiting to be taken apart once I know where I'm meant to be storing them.

My room's not actually empty yet though; at the moment everything is just piled up in the corner. Again, I'm not really sure where I'm meant to be putting it just yet, so that can wait until next week. At least now I know that moving out won't be as stressful as I keep thinking it will be!

Tonight I'm meeting up with a friend who I haven't seen properly in forever - we were really close in the final years of school but kind of drifted out of contact for the most part over the past three years. We have met up a couple of times, but not often. So yeah, I'm really looking forward to seeing her tonight and having a good catch up :)

spring cleaning, packing, friends

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