(no subject)

Jul 27, 2010 16:56

It's interesting how I can still find time to blog when I'm busy, yet when I have more free time I forget, or lack the energy, to update my journal.

After a month of practically working full time (I said yes to all the overtime I could), I found myself with no extra hours at all in my last week at my job. I then travelled back home to Kent, where I spent two weeks mostly just sat on my bum watching TV shows or DVDs. Or DVDs of TV shows. I did socialise with some friends and help with housework too so I wasn't being a total slob, but it was certainly a nice relaxing couple of weeks after a busy few months.

Then it was a brief return to Leicester for my graduation ceremony, and now I am in Cornwall and have been for a few days. I'm staying at my aunt's B&B to help out - serving breakfast and cleaning the rooms mostly, though I have also offered to help with ironing and walking the dogs. I'll be here for three weeks before doing a week's work experience with a magazine in London - and then possibly returning to Cornwall for a couple of weeks, depending on how busy my aunt and uncle are and if they need an extra pair of hands.

At the moment it feels like the end to all that is far, far in the future, but I've no doubt it will sneak up on me and before I know it it'll be time to start the dreaded Real World Job Hunt. I still have no idea what I actually want to do, so this could be fun!

Anyway, this was just a very quick update to try and encourage myself to get back into blogging. More detailed posts about graduation, long road trips, and Cornish experiences to come, hopefully!

job, working, cornwall, family

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