May 28, 2010 16:09
I actually wrote something last night, at last. Only a small piece, around 300 words, but it's for submitting to the uni's creative writing magazine. I already have a poem to submit too, I just need to write a third thing and then hope one of them is good enough to be chosen to go in the publication. I don't know why I've not been writing anything lately; once I started 'The Promise' last night the ideas came flooding in and what had started out as a random scene branched out into actual plot. I might actually expand it into a proper story at some point.
I've also just realised that my updates here have been weekly so far, which wasn't intentional at all. I have been meaning to post more regularly, but keep forgetting. It's kind of amusing though, that each post has been on a Friday.
Got a busy few days ahead of me now; going to a convention tomorrow, then working Sunday and all day Monday. After that I'll try and post more often :)