[milliways_bar] Getting to know you...

Dec 17, 2006 09:23

After picking up his kitten from Molly, Krycek retreats to his room.

He sets the kitten down on the foot of the bed and stands before him, much like a drill sargeant would with his troops. "You shall henceforth be known as Kazimir," Krycek says. "And you will be proud of this name, [little one]."

Kazimir mews softly and tilts his head as Krycek fixes him up with a leather collar (complete with bells for the holiday season!) which has a little "K"-shaped charm dangling from it.

"You're my new companion, Kazimir. I know you're smart, but you still must be with me at all times. If I do not bring you somewhere, you are to follow me." He crouches down, then, and looks the kitten square in the eyes. "I don't want anything to happen to you," he says softly, glad that no one can hear him in the confines of his room. "[Understand?]"

The kitten bats at his nose with a paw and meows.

Krycek can't help but scoop Kazimir up into his palms and rub his head. "You're going to ruin my image," he snickers. "But I can't really say that I mind. Now you go play, I've still got some reading to do."

The grey fluffball promptly hops back onto the bed and attacks the little stuffed mouse sitting near Krycek's pillow.

How's that for irony?

milliways, kazimir

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