05. Serious if you live in the United States

Sep 26, 2010 13:24

So I don't know where you guys all live, and I don't know if you have heard about the San Bruno fire disaster. For those of you who live out of the country, a gas line exploded and it was just fucking awful. People's houses have been incinerated and others have died - even more injured. What was once a beautiful neighborhood has been totally decimated into a ten-foot crater and a cloud of tragedy.

So, I live really close to San Bruno, as in the fact that my school is in the next town over :/
And one of my schoolmates lived two houses down from the epicenter of the fire (it was in a residential neighborhood), and we had a memorial service for him on Friday.

RIP William Burris
You will be missed.
My school club is fundraising to help the victims, since so many people had their houses burned down to the ground. ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO BENEFIT THE VICTIMS, we don't take any money for overhead costs :)

You can send a check to:
Rotary District 5150 Charitable Foundation
c/o Jim Botko, Treasurer
3006 Topaz Dr.
Novato, CA 94945

You can also use your credit card online:

Any amount counts :) Thank you so much, on the behalf of the victims. I pray that such thing will not happen again.

!serious, !tragedy

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