01. Le introduction

Sep 13, 2030 23:42


Let me try to explain why I have a livejournal if I don't post often: I love to read stories on here, look at art on here, and stalk omona. There you go, the truth.


I love the following things:
1. Korean pop music. Don't ask me to name a favorite, because then I'd be stuck forever answering your question. Yes, I have certain bands that I like more than others. But above all, I love music.
2. Art. I love graphic design and good, interesting ads :)
3. Football, THE REAL FOOTBALL. I don't care if you call it soccer, I call it football and yes I am American. GOONER <3
4. Books, esp. anything by Jonathan Safran Foer.
5. Photography, esp. stuff by Zhang Jingna
6. Not failing at school. This is probably why I don't update more often. We'll see, I'll try to do it more so you're not that bored anymore :)
7. Life. Food. Sleep. Basic essentials.

I don't like the following things:
1. People who are hypocrites and other sorts of mean names I shouldn't write in case your little sibling or cousin happens to be looking over your shoulder
2. People who are deliberately ignorant
3. People who cannot respect literature (I don't care if you hate reading; I dislike reading some forms of nonfiction as well, especially biographies. When I was a little kid in elementary school, I'd always choose the fantasy books over an biography of a famous personage. It's really odd, considering my fascination with history.)
4. Mushrooms, avocadoes, spicy food, and wasabi.
5. Spiders, bugs, moldy foods, and fear itself. I have irrational fears, you do too.
6. Homework: only the mundane stuff; if it's interesting it's not that bad.
7. Getting cavities and going to the dentist. I don't like dentists.
8. Getting sick. Blargh, I hate the feeling of something lodged in your throat and the utter inability to get it out, it feels like you're utterly suffocating and drowning in your body. Your soul is calling out for freedom, but you're limited in these curvaceous walls that is your body.


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