Aug 31, 2002 04:53
...and I'm glad.
I just want to get the ball rolling with school again.
It's been a decent summer but not good enough for me to want it to drag on any longer. It's over and I have no reason to want it to not be over.
I have to go to my grandfather's surprise party tomorrow night. He's 80. That's wild. I'll probably get hit by a bus tomorrow or something. That would mean I'm dead at 19. That's not even one fourth of my grandfather. That's harsh. But probably well-deserved. I've given my parents too much grief over the years.
I have various things on my mind. All of them are upsetting me. I feel like I don't exist. Maybe I don't. Well, I guess i couldn't be typing this if i didn't exist. There's my proof I guess. LiveJournal is so reassuring.
I thought I needed someone to talk to, but right now I really don't have anyone to talk to. I don't think I want to talk anyway. I just wanted to type out my thoughts and see exactly what's on my mind. But on second thought, I'm going to sleep. Something I should have done about five hours ago so I wouldn't have time to think about anything. Fuck LiveJournal, fuck me, and fuck everyone that's reading this.