Jan 17, 2014 18:55
To resurrect this old blog o' mine..In case, anyone's wondering, it's been nearly 4 years since my last post. I moved to Austin in the interim. Worked on 2 postdoctoral assignments and moved to San Francisco two weeks ago.
What do I have to show for the past 3.5 years, you say? Well, I have quite a few grey hairs, a husband and 1 extra cat, I had Billi cat already, I now have a second acquisition, her name is Imli. Other than that, I don't think much has changed. Although, I think I've become less conscientious, more shallow in life... I think when I was doing my PhD, I was a little more conscientious, I think I cared more about the world, my surroundings etc. At least that's what I feel...
But, in reality, if you look at my activities over the past 3.5 years in Austin, I've actually gone out more, participated in programs more. I guess the difference is that I've only thought about myself when indulging in these. It was either driven by the need to have fun, gain some novel experiences, take on some challenge etc.. My activities didn't really benefit anyone. At least, did not add significant value to anyone's life. That's probably the honest truth.
Everybody should work/volunteer with a non profit in life. I think it can add a lot of value, richness to one's life. I know that it did to mine. I made new friends, from different walks of life. I learnt a lot about leadership from there. I learnt new skills. I feel a little guilty now when I think about how I'm not actively doing anything. There's another interesting truth here- I don't see volunteering as an altruistic gesture or activity. Mainly because it makes me feel good about myself, adds to my self worth etc.
Now that I'm in the Bay area now, I've come across an interesting problem- when I looked up some places for volunteering opportunities here, I found that there are too many volunteers, so you get wait-listed. I don't think I have ever had this problem, it's frustrating. Everybody's too busy doing things outside their own domain. It makes me feel less needed, less special! Bah! Oh well, I'll find something soon enough, I'm sure. Right now, I have my hands full looking for a job and obsessing about the same. And, it's only been two weeks.... Maybe, I should visit the library. It's been ages since I've read a good book! And, I should blog more...
It will be interesting to see if I can hold myself to it..
A rather non interesting entry after a hiatus of 3.5 years, even if I say so myself. But on the flipside, it can only get better here on ;)