Dec 26, 2009 23:02
The cat has now become a part of ze household.....ze household consists of me, a couple of traumatized plants (that now bear signs of attack by the cat) and the rest of the inanimate but deeply loved possessions....
Take the couch for instance...the couch is a a nice roomy, 3-cushioned, free (the best kinds :) ) 'made for 3 big americans but 5 average indians' sized piece of furniture. Alas, the cat has tormented it during my absence so that now its arms are ravaged, bear signs of deep bruising on one side, with fabric rents and all :(
The rug in the kitchen is in no better shape...with burrs standing on its surface so that it now has an acupunctur'esque' feel to it. The table cloth is routinely flipped to hide little claw marks inflicted during a frenzy of 'dash to every high place in sight'.
One set of bedcovers has been claimed by the cat for its mutilating pleasure...the laptop is really a 'cat mat' in its closed state, in its open state, its a wii-like 'dance pad' for the cat....
All USB devices, remotes, phones are 'batting' toys and all chargers are chewable 'vines' for the cat...
The trashcan is beginning to garner some interest.. The bathroom has been spared only due to constant vigilance in keeping it closed....All clothes, once inside the house, are subjected to 'rolling' by the cat.
Ergo, the house and myself have been cat-marked...
The cat in question is a 6 month old kitten, really, though he is quite fully grown now...
He came to me as a 2 day old orphan, runt kitten with closed eyes. He had quite a loud mouth on him back then... he was quite an amusing little thing...all my friends loved his pictures and kept cooing over him, albeit from a distance... (most of them are quadruped-fearing). We weren't sure of his sex, so we called him 'Billi', during his stay with me, for the first couple months, he had to be fed almost 6-8 times a day....every 3 hours understand how short three hours really are when you are sleep deprived...
He died almost 3 times due to repeated respiratory infections....I walked in one day to find him breathing shallow in the middle of the room, we rushed to the vet, who said he was dehydrated and had fluid in the lungs... he was started on antibiotics/ eye drops/ saline injections/ vapor inhalations when he was less than a pound in weight...
This continued for several months with him using up at least 4 of his 9 lives...
It looks like the remaining 5 have been spared to haunt my life now....which is pretty cool, really...
And I wouldn't have it any other way.....
Here's to us, Billi... :)
Enjoy that scratchpad now....spare the couch....and the arm chair.....and the bed covers.....and the rug.....and the table cloth....and the plants :D