Aug 19, 2006 10:07
Yesterday, Friday August 18th I was scheduled for my drivers test to get my liscense. My stepmother Donna drove me there. At first getting there was the hard part. The place
's name was Miller Air Park, 500 Mule Rd. Well we went all the way down Mule Rd, and we ended up at the end of the road at a church. I was supposed to be there in 10 minutes (it was car clock said 9:58...that scared us lol). My brother Sean helped us out with directions on the cell, my father tried to help also on the cell but he was working on the computer for work so he was kinda busy. Anyway. We got there finally.
Before we got to the parking lot where aparently you line up on a short stack of street that leads into a parking lot, Donna and I changed seats. I drove up and pulled into park. We watched a few kids drive around the base, one pararell parking, and one parking with the driving tester talking to the kid's parents.
I got a huge manly looking woman as my tester. Holy Fuck. But I was nice to her and I started good conversation with her. =D So I was alright. I did my pararell parking first . I did ok on the first try
Me: "I'm pretty far away [from the curb] aren't I?"
Her: are.
*tries again*
*does it even worse this time*
Her: That's fine. now pull out over to that stop sign and make a left.
Me: Okiedoky. [lol]
Everything else, I aced. We made a left into a dead, quiet road with a few tuns. Backed up for 60 ft, and did a K turn. I aced everything. Used my blinkers, looked everywhere-mirrors and I turned around. =D But we pulled over to where we started and she wrote stuff down and told me that I need an ID, my permit, and a proof of address to go and get my liscense at the dmv. I was like omg..thank you!
I was soo happy. Donna drove me back home really quick for me to get a proof of address (used my commerce bank bill, and my cell phone bill), then we sent straight to the Silverton DMV. I went all over the place, filled out this and that and then sat down with a crowd of around 50 people in chairs. Ugh. All waiting to get their picture taken, just like me. Fudge. lol
There were on number 82 or somthin, I was 8. They went up to 100 and back to 1. *phew* =D
I was there for roughly an hour. Donna sat and waited for me, she was by my side the whole time except when I was sitting and talking to people. But she helped me through everything. =D THANK YOU DONNA! :)
I decided not to get my picture taken cuz I've recently broke out a lot on my face because apparently my face likes to break out when I put an anti pimple Salitic Acid thing on it. wtF. I just used an older picture that I had taken with them (shorter hair, a scarf, and a flashy necklace..o0o)
I need a haircut...gonna schedule one for tommorow. Hm. My hair is still red, by the way...we tried dying it brown at a hair's STILL RED AHAHAHA.. omg. >.<'
Anyway..I was SO HAPPY to drive yesterday. I drove to McDonalds, Walmart, Burger King, Mailboxes Etc (mail nikki's retainer), and yeah! I LOVED IT. omg. It was a new sense of freedom. MWahahahahah lol
My friend Steve and I went to the Mall to just walk around and buy whatever. Twas awesome driving with him. We also went to coconuts and was also awesome. I spent a lot of money. I'm saving it ALL now..I really don't need anything. I just gotta save up for my car payments and gas. x(
Anyway..I don't like thinking that I have to live on 25 bucks of money for 2 weeks. ANYWAY. Ooh. I found a 5 on my desk. 30* x'D
Today is my first day being an official manager (bitchezz). I got a blue shirt and a tanish shirt. I LOVE the tan one, and I LOVE the tie. But I got a cool McDs belt, and reeally silky pants. Ooh lala. Wearin the blue shirt today. At the mall I also got a pair of nice dress shoes. Mhm. Jeff's in style. OHHH YEAH. lol
Anyway I'm gonna go and blow dry my hair and give it a good combing once my father gets out of the goddamn shower. GRR. It's been forever.
Wish me luck as a manager. I'm working 12-8 today, and 8-4 tommorow.
YAY my dad got out. and I asked him to tie my tie. I'm learning how..but I want a professional do it. (he's a laywer for the village of portchester, westchester county-ny) shweet.
anyway I'm gonna go and brush the teeth and comb/blowdry the hair...andd shave. McDonalds likes clean shaves..damn them.
whoa. this was a long entry. ah well. SEE YA! XDD