
Jun 14, 2005 19:26

well today i finally went to flatts.what and expirence that was even though i ahve eben there 3 times before.. oaky so me and my mom get there..and i forgot my damn school my mom had to drive all teh way home adn get it. so she comes back adn theres this guy and his fuckin drunk! hes old and smelly..he keeps askin how much is it to get a tattoo and the hot guy (who did my ear by the way) was like its 100$ an hour and if the drunk guy asked taht question one more fuckin time i was gonne kick him in the nads..he musta asked like 6 or 7 times. anyways so we wait till the hot guy was done cleanin his desk and he told me to fill out the paper and we get into the backroom and hes like you nervous and im like no ive had it done before and hes like why you take it out im like oh i didnt its in my other ear and hes like well oh let me match them up so that takes about 3 minutes and piercing it wasnt the worst part that didnt hurt one was when he took the needle out and put the bar in..ouchy..okay so im doen adn im liek thanks you sir ill see you later peace! and we walked this guy was HOT! WOO! okay so me and my mom walk down to FIFFS and get ice cream adn we walk back to my car.adn we see the drunk guy again..and you can so tell that hes drunk becuase hes stubblin away and i look forward and my moms like gabby look at his i did AND HE PISSED HIMSELF!! hoyl shit i was laughin soo we came home adn now im here talkin to amber and about to go outside beuicase my uncle adn neighbors are here


<3 Gabs
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