Aug 16, 2011 23:53
So last night we found out a kid that used to work with Corey at Petsmart killed himself this weekend. I don't know how to approach this. I guess I'll just start with his story. His name is Patrick. He was a really super nice kid, early to mid 20's. He was just kind of socially awkward. He was a "fat" kid. Kind of "dorky" and goofy but a really good hearted, good kid. Ended up having gastric bypass surgery and got skinny. I think he was made fun of alot for being big and was really self concious about it. He tried really hard to make friends but it seems like no one really wanted to take the time to really be a friend to him. Like people thought he was nice but thought he was too dorky or whatever to actually hang out with. We don't know all the facts and reasons why he would've killed himself but we're pretty sure this was the main reason. I had heard alot about him and met him a few times coming into the store to visit Corey and he always greeted me with a handshake and was always very polite and eager to get to know me. It's like he didn't care who the person was he just wanted someone to be his friend, anyone, like he was almost desperate for attention. He was always putting himself out there trying to make friends but no one really cared to be his friend. Corey and some others tried to be a friend to him but most just blew him off or were even mean to him just because he was a little different. I've had a couple other friends, fairly close friends commit suicide before. I don't know all their reasons either but both of them just seemed like they were just never happy with life. They were always bitching and complaining with something. Never satisfied. Like a stranger on the street could hand them a 100 dollar bill and they would complain it was wrinkled. They were always down about shit. Never wanted to man up or stand up to the situations or people that were bringing them down and make it better. This was not the case with this kid. He was always happy and tried to make the best out of life's situations. Seemed like he was satisfied and content with just going through the motions of life. Just wanted some people to spend it with. He wasn't a pussy about the situation. He constantly was putting himself out and extending his hand in friendship. Trying to meet people. Trying to make friends. So basically I guess what I want to say is I think it's really sad and I think it's crap that someone like this kid felt so bad about themselves that he went to the extremes to end his life all because other people thought they were too good to give this kid the time of day, give him a chance to be friends, just let him hang and be part of the crowd. So maybe we could use this as a lesson. I'm sure at times we've all had someone like this in our lives. At work, school, wherever. If someone like Patrick extends their hand to you in friendship, accept them. We're all adults now. Who cares if he or she's a litte goofy or dorky or whatever. Don't take for granted that they must have friends they can turn to. You might be the only person they have. Take the time to go to their house and drink a couple beers with them and play video games if they invite you. Invite them to come get some beers after work with the crew. Invite them to come over and watch the game...ect. If anything just take the time to talk to them. Get to know them. Be there for them. Take a little bit of time to be someone positive in that person's life and it might just make the difference from that person feeling so bad about themselves that they want to end their life to making that person's day.