Jan 06, 2005 20:34

So far this week is pretty exciting, enough drama for a season of Smallville. So ne ways im sitting in Automotive Technology actually "Learning". So im there paying attention when all of the sudden something hit the back of my head. I turn around and I see 2 bitch ass wiggers and 2 niggers sitting there. None with enough balls to look at me. So i turn around and say "Stop fuckin throwin shit at me". They say ok or sumthing. Im sittin there thinkin to my self, Im No Fuckin Push Over. A little time goes by, and another object unknowingly comes towards me but goes over my head and hits another kid. Im thinkin, ok the fucks laid off. A little more time goes by, all my attention on Minchoff and what he's talking about when he starts to walk over to the side. Out the side of my eye I saw the fucker(dennis potts) that wigger fuck throw the shit at my head. At this point im not even thinking Im just pissed. I get up, take off my track jacket and look at him and say "Didn't I tell you to stop fucking thorwing things at me?" "Why the fuck are you still throwing things at me?" So he pretends to ignore me and play on the comptuer. At this point I call the fuck face out "Dennis, Im fuckin talkin to you, Didn't I tell not to throw shit at me?!?" He says "Dawg, I didn't even throw shit at you." I say, "I fuckin saw you, you moron" During this whole process Im standing ready to fight and the bitch didnt even attempt to get up out of his seat. So he says, "Dawg, just sit the fuck down." I said, "Sit me the fuck down!" So Minchoff comes in and says, "Dennis Get Out!" Writes him up and sends his wanna be nigger ass out. Seriously though, I was just in it, like a trance or natural high or some shyt. I didnt care what the fuck happended. It was so long since I had fought in general and anyways I felt like stomping the white back into this wigger fuck. Gosh, what a flippin idiot! Well thats the highlite of my day.
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