Feb 24, 2013 20:15
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, tag some people. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. So do it. Or don't. Either way is cool with me.
1. I am a really healthy eater. I never eat junk food and I eat fruit and veges A LOT.
2. When I was younger... and to this day, mom knows how to cheer someone up with her blueberry cobbler.
3. I contantly need a change of pace, even if it is small.
4. I plan to move to ____ in May 2013.
5. Not to sound all "artsy" or whatever, but I love foreign films. My whole family does, actually.
6. I actually don't think ROA is that bad. It just needs a little work here and there.
7. I prefer acoustic to anything else.
8. I don't wear jeans as often as I used to.
9. I travel...a lot. If you have ever gone to school with me, you know this. In middle school I swear I would leave every 2 or 3 months.
10. I get up really early in the morning so I have plenty of time to wake up before I have to go anywhere.
11. I'm really good at managing my money. I always have been.
12. I went to two high schools.
13. I am VERY picky about my sushi. I'm actually quite the food snob.
14. I have no idea how to work a windows PC. My family never owned one, so I never learned the program except in school.
15. I have so many shirts, it's unreal.
16. I want to become a Director or something along those lines.
17. I've never gotten in serious trouble for anything.
18. I buy an insane amount of magazines every month, but have never though of buying a subscription to save myself money. ?! yeah.
19. I really did some days in school. Met some great people.
20. I prefer coffee over tea. Surprising, I know.
21. I don't eat red meat.
22. I hate the district accent but I have it. We all do.
23. I am about to go to bed. Even if it is Oscar night and 8pm. SWEET.
24. When I get discouraged, I tend to give up. but that is changing, no worries.
25. I keep my closet really really organized. Well, I try at least.
25 things