I saw A Series of Ufortunate Events today. It was good. The cinematography was excellent, the costumes were beautiful, the acting was great, and the music was pleasing. The storyline was simple, but entertaining, and overall, it was a really creative piece. I really enjoyed it, straight through from the beginning to the end of the credits (yes, even the credits were interesting to watch). My family, however, seemed rather displeased. Even my nine-year-old-cousin, who is a big fan of the book series, had a glum look on his face at the end of the film, then said in a rather dreary tone, "The books... were MUCH better." Judging by his reactions, I'm glad I didn't read the books first.
After that, I decided to go to Wal-mart to see if they had any plain, big pieces of iron-on patch for my Sasuke costume, which I finished the shirt of today. Well, I finished the shirt, minus the Uchiha clan symbol on the back, which is what I was going to Wal-mart for. Anyway, since it is December, and six days from Christmas, the place was packed. Full. I made my way to the very back corner, to the fabric section, found they didn't have the patches, and started to look around for other bits that I need for the costume. I found the eyelets, and the buttons, but not the clips I wanted... And as I stood there looking, and thinking whether or not I should just go ahead and use the clips that I found, I got this sudden, horrible feeling. Well, more like a mix of feelings. Suddenly, I felt really heavy, everything was really loud, my head was swimming, and I had a sinking feeling inside. So I sat down for a few seconds, then made my way to the cashier. Some guy almost ran over my foot with his shopping cart. "Woah, what happened there?" he exclaimed, stopping just short of my toe. Ha ha, idiot, maybe you weren't looking where you were going? Cause I was standing there for a good thirty seconds before you lost control of your shopping cart. Sorry, forget how to steer? Cart loaded down with too many heavy, overpriced gifts that will be forgotten about two weeks after opened on Christmas day? Well, at least watch where you're going and run over someone's toe who deserves it.
Anyway, that pissed me off. Then, paying for my four items (eyelets, an eyelet hammer, buttons, and a bag of flamin' hot Cheetos), the old guy behind the register give me this creepy grin, then says, "You come back and see us, you hear?" "Yes, sir, thank you." "Oh, I mean it. Come back and see us." Damn creepy old guys. Stay away. Then, outside. Some other old guy in a Santa hat selling CDs, and blasting a sample of the music he was selling out of two giant speakers: Country Gospel. Damn, I hate country, and I hate gospel, and I especially hate when some dumbshit decides to put them together.
I don't remember what was on the radio on the way home. But when I got there and pulled into my usual spot, then turned off the car, everything was silent. And dark. It was amazing... to not hear any recognizable noise. Nothing at all. The darkness only amplified that. It was like floating in space, just for a second. And then, I took my keys out of the ignition. Now I know what the phrase, "The silence was shattered" really means. That small grinding of metal was so damn load tonight. Anyway, it was a beautiful experience.
Let me leave you with this:
Cattell's 16 Factor Test Results
Warmth |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86% Intellect |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82% Emotional Stability |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74% Aggressiveness |||||||||||| 38% Liveliness ||||||||||||||| 42% Dutifulness ||||||||||||||||||||| 70% Social Assertiveness |||||||||||| 34% Sensitivity ||||||||| 30% Paranoia ||||||||||||||| 50% Abstractness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78% Introversion |||||||||||||||||| 58% Anxiety ||||||||||||||||||||| 70% Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82% Independence |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74% Perfectionism ||||||||||||||| 50% Tension |||||||||||| 34%
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