Apr 02, 2004 21:59
Friday. The last Friday of school for a whole week. Yes, Spring Break started today. But even as it just started, it seems as though its over for me. Why? Because of the fucking facist grocery store that calls itself Food Lion. I went by this afternoon to pick up my paycheck, and decided to check my schedule for next week while I was there. Not only am I working tomorrow, 7am - 3pm, but I am working six hours on Monday, six on Tuesday, I never work on Wednesdays, six on Thursday, and six on Friday. And all of the shifts are right in the fucking middle of the day. The only day that my manager decided to give me off was Saturday, since I told her when I started that I can never work on Wednesdays or Sundays. So, I get NO time off this Spring Break. There it goes. A whole goddamn week down the drain. A week that I was REALLY looking foreward to, since I've been so damn frustrated and stressed lately. All of it. Gone. Like that.
Now, I'm not saying that I wasn't expecting to work some over the break, but I didn't expect such a dirastic change in my schedule. And when Pam (my manager) is changing the number of hours I get per week, she asks me first. She always asks. Now, this seems a little fishy to me. Since she didn't ask, I'm guessing she didn't want me to say no, so it seems like I'm being taken advantage of. Or maybe I'm just mad as hell. The thing that really pisses me off is when I was looking at my hours, she came up behind me and said, "Now, you didn't think that I'd forget that this week was Spring Break, did you?" As if what she had done was awesome. I didn't even look at her. I just said, "Yeah, well, i didn't know you were going to work me all day everyday this week, you know, my only week off." I just walked out. I was so pissed. I cried I was so pissed. I'm STILL pissed. I hate Food Lion. I hate it. I want out of there.
Such a futile job it is anyway, futile and monotonous. Meaningless. Illogical. No rewards. Only compensation is money. And not very much at that. No wonder they can't keep employees. The work sucks, the people suck, the management sucks, the whole damn picture sucks. I want to quit. I so want to quit.
I was going to spend this time relaxing and finishing my costume. Seeing my friends. Practicing kendo. The only time I could ever do something would be at night, after dinner. And there's not much I could do considering I have to be in by ten. I can't have someone stay over since I'd have to be at work in the morning. I hate my job. I hate it.
Maybe I'm over reacting. But I'm mad. I'm so fucking mad...I don't want to see Pam; I hope she's not working tomorrow. I don't want to yell at her or say something out of anger. Though, I'd rather be fired than walked on all the time.
And on that happy note, I'm going to bed. Because Food Lion wants me in at seven in the morning, so I have to get up at six to be there on time.