Mar 09, 2004 22:03
Hm. Today I got a call from my manager at work saying that my till from last night was $100 something dollars over what it should have been. Well last night this guy came in, got $60 worth of food, and tried to pay with this credit card which turned out to be unactivated. Well, he couldn't get it to work, and he didn't have any other money, so he left to go activate the card. The manager on duty told me just to cash it out, which is where you ring it up, finish the purchase, and get the money later. The guy came back about 45 minutes later and tried to pay with the now-activated card. Well...We can't do that and set my till right. Not with Mastercard anyway. I could have set everything right with cash or an ATM card, but not a credit card... *sigh* Well, the manager on duty said he'd take care of it and subtract it from my till. Yeah, cool, until he actually tried to do it. He ended up adding the purchase twice more instead of subtracting it once. Don't ask me how, I don't know how he pulled that one off. After that, we were having a rush of customers and I ran out of $1 bills, so he gave me $50 from the safe and said he'd do the loan after the rush was over. Well, he never did. So that's how my till got to be so screwed up. God, when she told me that I was over, I thought she was going to fire me.
So the day started with a scare. The rest of the day was pretty normal...At dinner I got burned by soup, but that's about the extent of excitement. Right now, I'm procrastinating on doing this report that's due tomorrow second block. I'll probably finish it about...oh..I dunno, 11:00 or so. So yes! 45 more minutes. X3
Oh yeah, I drew my Avatar from last night, and I just got through inking it. It looks pretty cool, I guess.