For the world

Dec 20, 2006 01:37

So it has been a long time sense I have written in here( an auctual post) so im going to give it a shot.( Don't mind my spelling for it will be awful)

Recently in my life~ I've been working and going to massage school. That has been my life up until break. I love giving massages and I love being able to help people in the way of assit healing their muscles and joints and ligaments, etc. I love the fact that I get to work with friendly people and learn something I will be using the rest of my life. But it's a lot of work and it doesn't seem very time consuming, but I have been really busy!

Relation ships~ My last girl friend was Dana Kelly, and that was a few months ago, now im in the single world again and it was alright, at first. Now I'm starting to get lonely again and am looking for a new girl friend. I reallllly like one of my friends, but I also love her to death as a friend. And I don't know, she is very flirty with me at times, but she also seems like she enjoys flirting in general right now. Now mind you she is not a whore, so don't get me wrong, but she just got out of a relation ship and is seeing her options for future. Or I could be talking out of my ass....but either way I am not going to jump down her throat about it, im just going to take things the way they are and see where they lead me. Other then that im single so if anyone is looking for a bf!?!?!:-P jk kind of weird to post that in live journal but what the hell!

Christmas~Is making me broke, enough said.

Friends~ Love them all, my friend matt franklin is sleeping on my floor right now, probally pissed off that I keep typing so loud:-P so if you read this eventually mattie im sorry and I love you!

~Love always and forever~Matthew Michael Lazzara

P.S. im going to try and write and comment more often:-)
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